
Sit Back And Relax With Zen Art

Natasha Bazika


Even though museums across the globe have shut their doors and travel is not an option right now, there are ways to keep entertained without breaking the rules or spreading the coronavirus. Businesses have diversified and are now looking to the virtual space as a means to entertain us, which come with uplifting social media content.


One hashtag that’s providing relief to those suffering from stress, anxiety or in need of positivity is #MuseumMomentofZen. The hashtag, which was initiated by the Museum of the City of New York is trending on Twitter and Instagram and provides images of beautiful artworks, archival images and videos of mesmerising installations.

Since it started, over 75 museums from around the world have joined in on the movement to share beautiful images, which provide a welcomed distraction in the current times. It’s not just art museums either, natural history, science and nature museums are following suit.

If you’re in need of a break from coronavirus-related news search the hashtag #MuseumMomentofZen for a dose of culture from the couch.

Enjoy these moments of Zen from the hashtag and stay safe.


This post from the Smithsonian pays homage to all the dogs in our lives, past and present. The drawing is from Christina Malman, a former cartoonist for The New Yorker.

Mercedes Benz

For all the car enthusiasts out there, this one is from Mercedes Benz and gives you a look inside their legendary car selection from the main hall. 

Saint Louis Art Museum

Nothing is more Zen than Monet. The Saint Louis Art Museum shared Monet’s Water Lilies in hopes to invite contemplation and reverie. 

Palmer Museum

The Palmer Museum of Art shared this hypnotizing image of one of their installations. 

Canadian Museum of History

The Canadian Museum of History is offering an audio presentation that narrates the creation of the world from different cultures.