
Restoring balance in critical times

Punita Malhotra


For a lot of us, mornings normally start with jarring alarm clocks and on-the-go breakfasts. Days seem to blend together, punctuated only by superficially saturated screen-scrolls. So, is this is THE moment for a breather? To shift from a permanent, stress-ridden state of busy-ness to a temporary, peaceful phase of buoyancy? Rethink the current situation as a much-needed opportunity to shift from skewed scales to restored balance, from hurriedness to healing and from deadlines to down-time, and try these refreshing, slow-down ideas to realign those chaotic chakras.

Embrace mental peace

Wake up early to sink into undisturbed mornings, meditate quietly and listen to the rhythm of your breathing. Enjoy nothingness of rush-free couple of hours. Revive the 8-hours sleep pattern to wake up rested and rejuvenated.

Reconnect with your lost self

Grab a box of crayons and recreate the Archies cartoons you made in your teens or restring that neglected guitar that echoes your heartbeats. Get those dried leaves out of the drawer and complete that frame now. Find that packet of glitter and dab it on those glass bottles already. Let those Pinterest DIY ideas see the light of day. Catch up on that reading list. Or pull out the CDs and jive to some old favourites.  

Discover new friends at home

Uncover little-known facts of spouses, children, parents and grandparents. Bond over device-free dinners, have philosophical discussions, laugh over nostalgic memories, play board games, browse through photo albums and revisit moments spent together.

Dedicate a slot for physical fitness

Go for a run, cycle off the flab, adopt a regular yoga routine or just use the stairs instead of the elevator. Reinvent the dining room like a nightclub with dim lights and indulge in an hour of crazy dancing to some lively tunes.

Soak in nature’s bounties

Listen to the bird tweets outside your bedroom window at dawn, touch the soft new leaves as they sprout on the trees in your parking lot, follow the gradual unfurling of the rose petals in the balcony garden and gaze at the pinkish-blues of evening skies till they dissolve. 

Cook up a storm

Browse through mom’s handwritten recipes. Recreate a favourite dish, add untried flavours to the mundane. Forget take-out for a change. Savour the luxury of lingering leisurely over meals, including breakfast. Eaten slow, even an omelette tastes different, so imagine the added flavour if you add mushroom or grilled tomato.

Feed on feel-good hormones

Bring back the fading quality in forgotten relationships with long-lost friends over video calls, instead of WhatsApp and text messages. Real expressions are so much better than emojis, right? Lighten up with oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin you need to fly into carefree mode again. 

Get your culture fix

Take a virtual tour of a world-class art gallery, like Louvre, Uffizi and Guggenheim without moving an inch. Attend an event at the Royal Opera House, London or New York’s Metropolitan Opera in your pyjamas. Live your dream of watching a Broadway show curled up on your couch. Join an online course to brush up some skills or learn a new language. Take advantage of the real benefits of technology and put those gadgets to good use.