
6 apps to improve your life during self isolation

Ashley Chalmers

Senior Contributor

There are lots of downsides to being quarantined, but what good is dwelling on those when this is our reality at the moment? Instead, consider this: it takes 40 days to change a habit. Why not use these apps to change your ways, or instil something new and beneficial into your life?

Daily Burn

For some, finding out the gym is officially closed was a real gut punch. For others, it was… well… not quite a big loss. But wherever you are on the fitness scale, Daily Burn is ready. The site offers daily exercise videos, and once you set up an account, you can sign up for group classes, individual classes, and nutrition plans. They’re also currently offering 30 days free in most countries, or 60 days in the US & Canada. For more information, click here.


Meditating is one of those things that we all really should be doing, but is easiest to push onto the back burner. Now that we’ve been given the gift of time, there are very limited excuses. Headspace offers paid and free meditations to help your clear your tired mind, including a handy intro course to really explain what meditation even is, anyway. Plus, they’re currently offering free meditations specifically tailored to managing anxiety during this stressful, overwhelming time. For more information, click here.


There’s writing in a journal, and then there’s journaling. It’s something that a lot of successful people swear by, but it’s also extremely overwhelming to begin. Journey is a daily journaling app, featuring prompts and a digital interface to keep notes if you don’t have (or want) a physical journal. Best of all, most of its basic functions are available for free. For more information, click here.

Cosmic Kids

Sorting your own fitness out can seem tedious enough, but don’t forget: your little ones are going to need to get their wiggles out, too. Cosmic Kids is a yoga app for, you guessed it: kids. The host, Jamie, tells stories based on their favourite characters that also incorporates basic yoga moves to help them keep moving when going outside might not be an option. The videos are on YouTube for free, or you can download the app for more. Currently, the first 14 days are free. For more information, click here.


By now, we've all seen the meme that Isaac Newton discovered gravity and Shakespeare wrote his best plays while they were each in isolation. Masterclass is perfect if you don't know quite how to tap into your own hidden genius. Let Annie Leibovitz teach you photography, Steve Martin teach you comedy, and Gordon Ramsey show you how to cook. And honestly, we should probably all register and take Jane Goodall’s course on conservation. Click here for more info.

Bon Appetit

If you rely exclusively on take away and ready-meals, then you may be in for a rough ride once more and more places close their doors. If even boiling water for pasta makes you shudder, then perhaps this is the time to get comfy in the kitchen? Make the most of our inability to dine out by honing your kitchen skills and learning new recipes with Bon Appetit. The app is free and includes recipes and videos, as well as in-app purchases. Click here for more info.